About Ritu Jain!

New Delhi, India
I am Ritu Jain,48 years and happily married . I live in Delhi. A Housewife who is a Psychology Hons. Graduate and wants to bring cheer and smile to every person who does not have one.Being creative is my lifeline. I am very happy today that I have launched my own Blog, to share my poems,thoughts,experiences and various colors in my life.

Friday, April 3, 2009

When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance,your life will move into its highest dimensions.
People who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened.

सावन का पहला बादल जगाता है नए अरमान ,
आशाओं की बहुत ऊंची है उड़ान,
सागर की लहरें बदलती है करवटें हर पल,
हर लम्हां जीना चाहता है मेरा कौतूहल |
A good friend is one, who can understand,can heal, and who is always there when you need him .When y0u call him sincerely, he is always there to guide and uphold you and to love you in a true way.

भिखारिन !!
कैसी दुखदाई रही होगी ,उसकी ज़िन्दगी,
दुखों की एक अनकही दास्ताँ है उसकी ज़िन्दगी,
डगर डगर भटकने को मजबूर है उसकी ज़िन्दगी,
बेबसी और तन्हाई से लिपटी उसकी ज़िन्दगी ,
जैसे मरने का इंतज़ार कर रही हो उसकी ज़िन्दगी|

My Past Year's Experience in these very Days!!

Day 7 : 3rd April ,2008 Place : Max Hospital

Last Day in the Hospital:

""A Happy Morning because I am feeling fine.I know only few hours are left in the hospital.After that I will be able to go back to my home...sweet...home.Thank God for taking care of me so well...the Doctors {Angels} have really done their best effort to care me..May God really bless them all...""

You carry with you, around you, in you, the atmosphere created by your actions,and if what you do is beautiful,good and harmonious then your atmosphere is good and harmonious;and vice versa.

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