I am Ritu Jain,48 years and happily married . I live in Delhi. A Housewife who is a Psychology Hons. Graduate and wants to bring cheer and smile to every person who does not have one.Being creative is my lifeline.
I am very happy today that I have launched my own Blog, to share my poems,thoughts,experiences and various colors in my life.
Anyone can learn to be a good speaker,but how many live in a manner that others can learn from.
सूरज और चाँद का अम्बर पर आना,
कितना सुख देता है हमें,
हवा घुंघरू बाँध के छम-छम करती आती है,
सुकून कितना मन को देकर जाती है,
ये ऊंचे पहाड़,ये नदियाँ,ये झरने,
हरियाली का बिछोना ओढ़े है खड़ी ये
धरती,प्रकृति के बेमिसाल रूप के क्या कहने|
If the entire world is not beautiful,don't bother.Create your own beautiful world.