About Ritu Jain!

New Delhi, India
I am Ritu Jain,48 years and happily married . I live in Delhi. A Housewife who is a Psychology Hons. Graduate and wants to bring cheer and smile to every person who does not have one.Being creative is my lifeline. I am very happy today that I have launched my own Blog, to share my poems,thoughts,experiences and various colors in my life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Calmness and tolerance act like air-conditioning in a room,they increase man's efficiency.

न जाने तुम हमसे क्यों नज़रें चुराते रहे,
न जाने तुम हमसे क्यों दूर जाते रहे,
एक हम हैं ,की दुनिया सारी भूलकर,
बस तुम्हे मन ही मन चाहते रहे|

There is so much inside that there is no limit.But we always run outside to find happiness.

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